How To Use Your Body To Tap Into Your Intuition
Intuition. It can be an elusive concept - especially if you’ve felt disconnected from it for a long time.
At the end of my fitness career, I began to notice that something was missing. I love physical movement and knew how empowering and life-changing it was to get stronger, healthier, and to feel more energized but I felt deep down like I was missing something important.
It was when I finally went and did my YTT in Bali that I really began to understand what the practice of yoga was REALLY about and it all began to click. What I had been missing was an understanding and awareness of energy and how the mind-body-spirit is interconnected.
“We are souls having a human experience.”
The big issue is that so many people in the modern world have become disconnected from an essential part of ourselves - the SPIRIT. We are souls having a human experience and so many of us forget that. When you forget that powerful truth and are focused purely on the physical and the mental, you are missing a huge piece of yourself. You don’t come into this world as a blank slate with just a body and a brain. You come in as a soul who has past experiences, traumas, and wisdom to share with you. When you can find that deep understanding, you can begin to connect with a deep knowing that has so much more wisdom than your physical human brain. This deep knowing is your intuition.
It’s beyond exciting when you realize that you have all three parts of yourself - your mind-body-spirit - and that you can use them together to access this deep knowing on a greater level. Because when we learn to fully access this deep knowing we begin to feel more connected, aligned, confident in our decisions, and more trusting of the Universe and our personal path.
So, let’s talk about how you can physically and mentally begin to recognize that your intuition is coming in. Maybe you’ve learned to hear your intuition already, maybe not. It might sound like a whisper, it might feel like a ping, or as a client told me last week: a spark in the back of your head. If you’re unsure of what that initial hit from your intuition feels like, this makes leaning into your body and mind even more important.
Our bodies have infinite wisdom. This wisdom has been attained from past lives and from our current human experience. We all have areas of the body that hold more tension or get achier or are more injury-prone than others. We all have similar but different sensations when we experience excitement or nervousness or fear, and we can all learn to use these sensations to connect with your intuition.
Ways that you can feel your intuition in your body:
You get physically turned on by the idea - your body is turned on and excited, awake, buzzed - even if you have other thoughts going through your head
Body sensations when they’re reacting to my feelings - neck, shoulders, upper back pain; pain/pin in my chest
Ways that you can notice your intuition in your mind:
The idea keeps popping into your head and you can’t stop thinking about it.
The idea seems out of leftfield. You might feel like no one gets you or agrees with the decision to act on the idea.
You have obsessive, noisy, fearful thoughts (your Ego) that are trying to convince you that the idea isn’t safe.
You have anxious, nervous, fearful emotions that arise.
Kismet ways that your intuition is speaking to you:
Magical timing!
You keep getting signs like seeing angel numbers, a certain type of animal, or even a specific person.
It just FEELS like the right path
Like I said earlier, we will all feel, hear, sense our Intuition in different ways. So I want you to ask yourself the following questions:
What does your initial hit of intuition sound/feel like? If you don’t know it’s ok. Since you are now cultivating this awareness, you will eventually know.
What overanalyzing thoughts always seem to come in when your intuition is guiding you on a new path? What do they sound like?
What intense emotions or feelings come up for you when your intuition is guiding you on a new, uncertain path?
What body sensations do you get when your intuition is speaking to you? Which do you feel when your intuition is guiding you on a new, uncertain path? What do you feel when it’s a more comfortable, well-known situation?
Creating a strong relationship with your intuition is one of the most important gifts that you can give yourself. Practice building this relationship with the simpler, more mundane things in life. Practice NOW. This way when you are hit with a big decision, you will be able to decipher what is between your ego and your soul/intuition and make the best decision for your soul’s evolution.
Keep on sparkling!
With love,